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PLFD Scholarship in Memory of Ronald Myers

Ron Myers joined the Pequot Lakes Volunteer Fire Department on March 24, 1990.  From the very beginning of his firefighter days, Ron had a desire to learn all he could about being in the fire service.  He completed several classes dealing with general fire fighting, pump operations, wild land fires, hazardous materials, as well as many others.  He found a special interest in auto extrication and motor vehicle rescue.  Having completed about every extrication course available, he became our top man in all phases of operating the Hurst tool (which we all know as the Jaws of Life).  Ron had many other interests which included welding, wood working, tree farming, as well as canoeing and camping.  His wood working would range from quality furniture to building a house or garage.  Needless to say, his talents were many and he will always be missed by the Pequot Lakes Fire Department and the community as a whole.  With this scholarship, we hope to carry on the idea of service to the community and to never forget those who have been there in the past.

If you would like to make a donation to the Ronald Myers Memorial Scholarship, please contact the Pequot Lakes Volunteer Fire Department at (218)568-8201 or mail the donation to 4638 Main St, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472.