Wellhead Protection

The City of Pequot Lakes continues to take steps to protect their drinking water supply through the implementation of the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan.  The Wellhead Protection Plan is a document prepared by local residents, members of the City Council, City Staff and the Minnesota Department of Health, which was updated in 2013 to monitor activities and land uses that could potentially affect the City’s drinking water.    


The Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) is a specific area delineated as the recharge area for the City wells.  This DWSMA must be monitored because the source water is moderately susceptible to contamination.  The City monitors uses and activities to avoid contamination from improperly constructed or maintained wells, nitrate-nitrogen from septage and fertilizer, and contaminants such as fuels, solvents or pesticides.


If you have any questions regarding Wellhead Protection, please call City Hall at 218-568-6699.