Water Rates:


  • $22.38 for first 5,000 gallons

  • $8.15 for 5,000 to 300,000 gallons

  • $12.22 for 300,001 to 400,000 gallons

  • $15.13 for 400,001 to 450,000 gallons

  • $19.10 for 450,001 gallons and up


  • $8.36 base rate

  • $7.83 for 0 to 10,000 gallons

  • $11.75 for 10,001 to 12,000 gallons

  • $14.69 for 12,001 to 15,000 gallons

  • $18.36 for 15,001 gallons and up


  • $22.38 multiplied by number of units

 Un-Metered (Commercial and Residential)

  • $38.25 per month

Meter Maintenance Fee

  • $2.86 per month – 5/8” and ¾” Meters

  • $4.63 per month – 1” and Larger Meters

 Duplicate Bill Fee (Commercial and Residential)

  • $1.00 per month

 WAC Fee

  • Commercial (taxable) - $2,000 per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC)

  • Residential - $2,000 per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC)

 Sewer Rates:


  • $25.41 for first 5,000 gallons

  • $12.07 for each additional 1,000 gallons


  • $23.97 for first 2,000 gallons

  • $12.07 for each additional 1,000 gallons

 Multi-Family Unit

  • $25.41 multiplied by number of units

 Un-Metered (Commercial and Residential)

  • $36.42 per month


  • Commercial - $2,000 per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC)

  • Residential - $2,000 per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC)