
Planning & Zoning

The City of Pequot Lakes adopted Ordinance #195, which regulates building and zoning.  Residents and property owners are strongly encouraged to contact the planning & zoning office before building or making alterations to their property.


Lawn Maintenance

The City of Pequot Lakes has embarked on a program of concentrated code enforcement as it relates to mowing lawns. The program is a positive effort to improve property values and quality of life in our neighborhoods.

The City Code states in Chapter 17-7.4 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE that "Turf grass and lawns shall not grow to a height to allow such grasses to go to seed."

Our new enforcement policy is meant to streamline the process to resolve un-mowed lawns. The City will mail one (1) letter to the property owner notifying them of the violation; only one (1) letter. The letter will state the lawn will need to be mowed within ten (10) days and continue to be maintained for the remainder of the season. If the property owner fails to mow the lawn by the date indicated the City will issue an Administrative Citation in the amount of $100.00. Failure by the property owner to keep the lawn maintained on a regular basis will result in additional Administrative Citations. For uncorrected or continued violations, the City will have the lawn mowed and assess the charges to the property owner for doing so.

If anyone has questions regarding this policy, please contact City Hall at 218-568-5222.